8 Novels

'The Inner Chapters'

These deal in the main with high-order concepts.

8 Screenplays

'The Outter Chapters'

Various secondary concepts, partial concepts and compound concepts.

8 Short Stories

All of them set in India.

Mystical connections and hence diverse concepts to do with the Nature of Reality.

The Path and The Way

I have from the very beginning of this project (a project I had named ‘The Path and The Way’) had a clear writing and reading procedure.  

The first book that I wrote was ‘Mr. Grumles’ Dream’ and so I always knew the last book would have to be ‘Mr. Grumles Awakes’.  

I think of these as ‘The Book Ends’ — first and last, so that all of the other novels can fit anywhere in between. 

This approach helps make the complex themes my work explores (infinity, agency and the nature of reality to name a few) much more digestible for readers. It also has the advantage that, if by some miracle, I have enough time to write more novels, then they will still fit into the collection. 

The most important books that I have written so far I have called ‘The Inner Chapters’. These deal in the main with high-order concepts. 

‘The Outer Chapters’ are mostly screenplays written in Hollywood formatdealing with various secondary concepts, partial concepts and compound concepts. 

'The Enchanted Lake'

A family feel compelled to travel to Lock Ness, The Enchanted Lake. The story is set in 2025 when a new and extremely deadly virus, Covid 25, has just appeared. This is a very black, 'Black Comedy', as 7.5 billion humans perish as ‘crispy cadavers’, only leaving 70 million humans to inhabit what eventually will be called The Enchanted Planet. Aliens from other planets are here to witness the spectacle and also to witness an accompanying event known as the ‘Rapture’ - Mass Enlightenment.


'The Book Ends'


'Mr. Grumles' Dream'

Supposedly a piece of whimsey in the guise of a black comedy. Mr. Grumles is a large black and white cat that performs as a secondary character to two serial killers. But there is a double twist in understanding what the dream is, so it is impossible to tell who’s the dream is until Mr. Grumles Awakes.

'Mr. Grumles Awakes'

Here we find a different kind of Cat in a different kind of universe - the White-hole part of our spatial dimensions in our 9-Dimension universe which consists of 3-Spatial Dimensions for the White-hole half, 3 Spatial Dimensions for the Black-hole half, 1-Dimension for Consciousness, 1-Dimension for Gravity and 1- Dimension for Time. Mr. Grumles finally pulls all of the elements of the Nature of Reality from the 9 novels together. To form a singular representation governed by the Bayesian Perspective. A truly remarkable feat which will offer the reader something concrete to dwell on.


For more information about our fiction or to discuss working together, contact us today.